It can be challenging Working From Home (WFH) while juggling an entire household and keeping productive with work. Here are some tips on making the best of both worlds
Set up a daily schedule for your work and your family members – time for eating, time for Work & Study, time for exercise, time for house chores
Getting up earlier than the rest of the family gives you the quiet time you need for productivity
Puts you, your mind and those around you in a ‘work’ mode
Use that space only for work stuff
It’s easy to forget task while juggling family and home chores
Go to bed early
1. Use collaboration tools like Google docs, Slack, Trello or Asana – saves time and unnecessary texting and chatter
2. Some popular and user friendly video conference tools that you and your colleagues can use are Skype, WhatsApp and Zoom. These tools can also be used for keeping in touch with extended family members
3. Meal prepared for a few days in advance – double your recipe and freeze for another day
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